Vision laser correction methods can be divided into three generations.
1st generation – superficial laser correction of vision
The boom in laser correction of vision began in 1987 when a technology was invented that made it possible to use a laser beam to improve vision. Initially, laser vision correction was done in one step. The laser beam treated the corneal surface and the operation was completed. This kind of superficial laser correction has its advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages can be mentioned as an advantage, technically simple performances and cheaper transaction costs. The surgery is gentle to the eye tissue, and patients have less frequent complaints of dry eye in the early postoperative period. The main advantage of such laser correction of vision is the fact that it can be performed in patients with thin cornea when the other methods are contraindicated.
Operational Deficiencies – Postoperative complications tend to occur, vision recovery takes longer than modern vision laser surgery (vision recovers in about a week), and the eyes are sensitive, wrinkle and respond to bright light about a week after surgery. After surgery, special medical contact lenses should also be used.
Šobrīd virspusējas redzes lāzerkorekcijas operācijas mēs piedāvājam tikai tiem pacientiem, kuri vēlas atbrīvoties no kontaktlēcu un briļļu nepieciešamības, bet citas redzes lāzerkorekcijas metodes ir kontrindicētas.
Virspusēja redzes lāzerkorekcija pēdējo gadu laikā ir ievērojami attīstījusies. Ar jauno tehnoloģiju un medikamentu ieviešanu, PRK metodei raksturīgās komplikācijas mūsdienās ir gandrīz izzudušas. Šobrīd tiek izmantotas arī citas, mūsdienīgas virspusējas redzes lāzerkorekcijas metodes – Epi-LASIK, Trans-Epi LASIK, LASEK – kuras tiek plaši praktizētas visā pasaulē. Katrai metodei ir savas indikācijas. Tādēļ, ja Jums ir indicēta virspusēja redzes lāzerkorekcija, mūsu speciālisti piemeklēs metodi, kas palīdzēs sasniegt optimālu rezultātu tieši Jūsu gadījumā.
Klasiskā virspusējas redzes lāzerkorekcijas metode – PRK metode.
2nd generation
Eye sensitivity in the postoperative period, patient discomfort and long-term vision restoration after surgery led professionals to look for other ways to improve vision through laser beams. ’90. LASIK, the world’s most popular laser correction method, appeared in the 1960s.
This operation is carried out in two stages. In the first stage, with a special mechanical tool driven by the computer, the eyes are prepared for laser correction – a thin layer of the corneal surface is pushed to a depth of about 100 microns.
Then, laser correction of the vision is performed. When the surgery is complete, the cornea is placed back in the place and the healing process takes place under the natural lens. Thanks to this approach, the patient observes the visual effect immediately after the surgery and is able to see up to all lines of the visual inspection table during the next day’s examination. Restrictions after surgery are minimal and the patient can return to their daily routine the next day.
Typical 2nd Generation Laser Correction Techniques – LASIK, SuperLASIK
3rd generation
All previous methods very well realize the main purpose of laser correction – freedom from glasses and contact lenses. Nonetheless, with new laser inventions (for which the authors have won the Nobel Prize) and the introduction of ophthalmology, a new era of vision correction begins. The laser took over the work of a mechanical tool, and now the whole operation is done only with lasers. The laser beam is much more accurate and easier to control than mechanical tools. Thanks to these enhancements, 3rd generation laser vision correction provides not only the maximum amount of vision (such as 10 rows of 10 vision test tables), but also quality vision – with very sharp contrast, colours and better twilight vision. After the 3rd generation, laser eyesight correction is much better when driving at night – the eyes are not so dazzled by the lights of the moving car. In addition, the latest generation of laser correction is also for the most sparing eye tissue.
Typical 3rd Generation Vision Laser Correction Methods – Femto-Lasik, Smile, ReLEx.