Meklējam pieredzējušu un motivētu oftalmologu, kas pievienosies Dr. Solomatina Acu Centra komandai! Piesakies vakancei, sūtot savu CV uz [email protected]āsimies ar kandidātiem, kuri tiks aicināti uz interviju!#teirdarbsPievienojies mūsu komandai!

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Darba laiks Lieldienu brīvdienās

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Neskatoties uz to, ka dažādas acs slimības ārstēt sāka jau 2. gadsimtā pirms mūsu ēras, oftalmoloģija kā zinātne nebija atzīta līdz pat 19. gadsimta vidum. Tikai 1869. gadā holandiešu ārsts Dr. Snellen izgudroja acu redzes apskates tabulu un izvirzīja teoriju, ka aci var “saskrāpēt”, lai radzenes izliekums mainās. Tā kā visas operācijas veica parasti ķirurgi,…

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Sveicam Jūs šajā skaistajā dienā- Sieviešu dienā!

Mīļās dāmas, Sveicam Jūs šajā skaistajā dienā! Arī mūsu klīnikas meitenes tika pie pārsteiguma! Mīļš paldies mūsu Prof. Igoram Solomatinam, Dr. Maksimam, Dr.Andrejam un Dr. Arkādijam!  

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TE IR DARBS TULKAM AR IGAUŅU VALODAS ZINĀŠANĀM Dr. Solomatina Acu Rehabilitācijas Centra komandā šobrīd tiek ļoti gaidīts/-a jauks/-a un zinošs/-a tulks ar igauņu valodas zināšanām! Mēs piedāvājam: • iespēju strādāt vienā no līdera medicīnas uzņēmumiem Latvijā; • dinamisku un interesantu darbu; • konkurētspējīgu atalgojumu; • draudzīgu kolektīvu; • Igauņu viesus, kuriem būs nepieciešamas Tavas…

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Seminārs 03.03.

Mīļie draugi, Sestdien mūsu rīkotajā seminārā ieguvām daudz jauna. Paldies lektoriem no Krievijas Olgai Rjabenko un Andrejam Kačānovam! Semināra tēma: “Ortokeratoloģiskās un sklerālās lēcas klīniskajā praksē”.  

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It’s the cheap defence of places.

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A Look At Clear-Cut Advice In Dating Sites

For everybody who is single so you prefer to crank- " up " your passionate endeavors, up coming the Christmas certainly is the ideal chance accomplish that. With all the parties going on in some places, what exactly they say undertake your lifestyle, match people and enhance your like life. Absolutely, being life in the…

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A Look At Clear-Cut Advice In Dating Sites

For everybody who is single so you prefer to crank- " up " your passionate endeavors, up coming the Christmas certainly is the ideal chance accomplish that. With all the parties going on in some places, what exactly they say undertake your lifestyle, match people and enhance your like life. Absolutely, being life in the…

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How to get a Girl in Russian federation or Ukraine

How to surprise your girlfriend and wife? How to make her heart melt? Although these problems may seem easy, it is often really difficult to come up with something fresh and original. Yet, to keep the magic in your relationship alive, it is important to introduce unexpected parts in your relationship every now and then,…

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Straightforward Rich Husband Methods – An Analysis

In order to seduce a woman, you have to know the way to talk to the woman's. Women vary from males in alot of ways, and you have to be familiar with who. When you're talking to her, you may not talk to the woman's in the same way you would communicate with the male…

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Issues Associated With An Online Dating Site

A totally free dating profile is what you can expect to write to announce yourself to other singles, when you store with a free online dating webpage. It is paramount that you take those process very seriously. A profile is probably the most important part of internet dating. This positivism should be from your heart.…

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Save Your Name on Singles Internet dating providers companies sites For Getting Mingled

Discovering the right man requires that you end up first. This is vitally important! Should you be looking for a fulfilling and important long term relationship, you must know precisely what is the thing that makes you happy. Should you know what makes you happy, you may then find a man who can make you…

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I did so so Something Wrong And My Lady Is Mad With Me

The rejection of a break up will surely hurt. It's not uncommon for most of us to feel that each of our relationships are one of the simple foundations of our lives. As soon as your girlfriend tells you that the girl wants out and you instantly find yourself single, it can genuinely make you…

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